Being in Nature
A workshop for staff at Wakehurst Gardens

On a sunny May morning fifteen staff from different departments at Wakehurst gathered by the glorious Mansion pond for an experiential workshop on ‘Being in Nature’.
The aim: to connect to ourselves, to others, and to nature. Very often things can get in the way of people simply being with nature and dampen the wellbeing benefits which are possible. Our turning thoughts, our disconnection with our body and the environment, ‘to do’ lists or concerns can take away from the simple relationship that is so fulfilling.
Connecting to our bodies, the ground and the sky, with natural movements we were joined by the pheasants and ducks. A simple clapped rhythm and steps around a circle brought everyone together. Walking softly down through the water gardens we felt Spring in action noticing the different colours, textures and elements around us. We experimented with allowing natural breath. Small groups shared their own experiences of connecting to nature and how this can affect wellbeing.

“I feel a sense of calm and empowerment. I have all I need to be the best me”
On the majestic viewing platform we gave our senses space to become more alive. Filled with impressions, scents, sounds and tastes, and the warmth of the sun, people reported seeing things differently. The geese gave us a special fly-by right overhead. Finally, with a shift in attention and more quiet presence, the group journeyed back up to the ponds - calmer, vibrant and connected.

“This was different from other wellbeing events - deeper - very special”
100% said they felt better after the event
100% said they event broadened their connection with nature
100% said they had greater awareness of their body and senses
100% said they had learnt something helpful from the session
100% said they would recommend this to their colleagues
To organise a Harmony in Health event for your staff or community group, contact us.